Products Liability

Massachusetts product liability law attempts to hold the manufacturers, designers and sellers of products accountable for injuries or death resulting from the use of their dangerous or defective products.

The injury-causing “products” covered by product liability law can be anything from durable, tangible products, such as lawnmowers and snowblowers, to items such as hot coffee or a computer software program. Medical devices, pharamaceuticals and toys are common subjects of product liability litigation. Essentially every consumer good is capable of giving rise to some sort of product liability.

Products can be dangerous or defective in many ways. A product might be dangerous or defective because it was poorly designed, because the product was not manufactured or assembled correctly, because the product’s warning labels were inadequate or for any number of other reasons.

Massachusetts product liability law allows the victim of defective products to recover even if, in some circumstances, the product was being misused or used in a manner unintended by the manufacturer at the time the injury occurred. Often, manufacturers and sellers of defective and dangerous products are held liable even if after-market modifications were made to the product.

Research has shown that many consumers believe that their rights in connection with product liability actions are limited to the terms and conditions of any product warranties. This is not the case.

If you think you may have been injured by a defective or dangerous product in Massachusetts, call us at (617)973-6434 to discuss your case.

Boston Personal Injury Lawyer Blog - Products Liability